Try These if Your Content is Not Ranking Anymore

Sometimes even quality content can lose its ranking momentum and slip down the SERPs. It might be due to an algorithm update or your content not matching search intent.

Alternatively, it could be technical issues like page speed or mobile-friendliness, improvements competitors made, invasive interstitials, or even a Google penalty.

Site Structure

When you have a lot of content on your website, it’s important to order it logically. It’ll make it easier for visitors to find what they want and for search engines to crawl it and understand its relevance. The site structure of your content impacts SEO more than most people realise.

Site structure refers to the organisation of pages and the hierarchy between them. It includes things like taxonomies (categories and tags), internal links, navigation menus, breadcrumbs, and URLs. The human brain craves cognitive equilibrium, so having an orderly and easy-to-navigate site structure will be cognitively satisfying to your visitors and search engines alike.

A website with a clear and logical hierarchy will rank higher in search engine results because it shows that the content is organised and relevant. A messy site structure will confuse the algorithms of the search engines and result in lower rankings.

Having a clear site structure will also help you tell the search engines which pages are most important. You can do this by creating a content clusters or topical hub that contains all the related blog posts and pages on one theme. This way, you can focus on optimising the most important pages first and then fill in the gaps.

There are different types of site structures that you can use, but the most popular is a hierarchical structure where the homepage is at the top followed by categories and then individual pages. This type of site structure is good for SEO because it allows you to ‘tell’ the search engines which pages are most important and which ones should rank higher.

Another site structure is a database-style structure, which is good for sites with a large amount of data. This type of structure uses a set of standardized page elements that are repeated across many pages and stored in a single file on the server. This means that if you change the code of a standard page element, it will update on all the other pages that have that component. This is useful for websites with many pages that are similar, such as e-commerces or other sites that include a lot of product pages.

On-Page Optimization

The content on a website is the key to its success or failure. In fact, it can have a greater impact on search engine results than off-site factors such as links and backlinks. For this reason, it’s important to make sure that your on-page SEO is up to date and on point.

This is a set of techniques used by SEO experts to ensure that each page on a site is optimized for its targeted keywords and search intent. This is done by creating content that is both relevant and useful, with an understanding of the keywords and topics that will be searched for by users.

Some of the most important on-page optimization techniques include meta titles and descriptions, internal linking, image alt text, page load speed, and keyword research. Each of these can have a significant impact on search engine rankings.

Title tags are a critical component of on-page SEO because they provide the first impression to Google and can influence CTR (click through rates) in the search engine result pages. They should be descriptive, concise and contain the target keyword or phrases.

Meta description tags are another vital on-page optimization technique because they are a key factor in determining what search engines display for a particular query in the search engine results pages. They can also influence the click-through rate for a search result and need to be written in a way that encourages users to click through.

Image alt text is an important on-page optimization technique because it allows you to add a keyword within the context of a visual element. This is a great way to increase the relevancy of your on-page content without impacting user experience.

Each time there is a new algorithm update, it affects how different elements of on-page optimization play out. With that in mind, you should always be working to update your old content to ensure that it follows the latest best practices and has a high chance of ranking well. Once you’ve updated your content, re-publish and re-promote it to spread the word.

Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization techniques focus on marketing your content through external channels and establishing your brand’s authority. These methods include link building, content marketing, social media marketing, and generating online reviews. While this approach may take more time and effort, it is an effective way to reach your target audience.

The most common off-page optimization technique is building links from other websites to yours. Search engines consider these backlinks as “citations” and a vote of confidence in your content. This is why creating shareable content that is worth linking to is a top priority for SEO experts.

Another way to improve your off-page optimization is to optimize your local SEO listings and business pages. This includes your Google My Business page, Yelp profile, and other local listings. By optimizing these listings, you can increase your local visibility and help search engines identify and rank your content based on relevance and trustworthiness, similar to the over-all gist of Rank Revival.

Press releases are also an effective off-page SEO technique. By releasing news articles about your products and services, you can attract new customers and build brand awareness. Additionally, these articles can earn you high-quality links from authoritative sites.

It is important to note that off-page optimization should be used in conjunction with on-page optimization. Many SEOs advise getting your on-page ducks in a row before focusing too much on off-page optimization. However, you should be aware that some off-page optimization methods can take months or even years to show results.

Off-page optimization is an essential part of any SEO strategy. By implementing these techniques, you can create an effective digital footprint that proves why you deserve to be surfaced by search engines and chosen by the searching public. The most popular off-page optimization technique is link building, but there are several other ways to promote your content and get it in front of the right people. With so many different off-page optimization strategies available, it is important to choose the ones that are best suited for your unique goals and objectives. With careful consideration, you can develop a holistic off-page optimization plan that will deliver the best results for your business.

Link Building

Backlinks are one of the most important factors in search engine rankings. They show that other websites believe your content is valuable and worthy of linking to. This gives you authority and visibility, which in turn can lead to more sales or leads. In order to get those backlinks, you must use a variety of link building techniques. These comprehensive ebooks will teach you what those techniques are, when to use them, and how to execute them effectively.

This is a technique that involves finding and reaching out to other websites who have links to the page you want to rank for. It’s important that you only try this on high-quality websites with similar content to yours, otherwise it can be seen as spammy and result in a penalty from Google.

A good way to find these websites is by using Ahrefs’ Content Explorer, which will show you the pages that have links pointing to them. From there, you can reach out to those websites and ask them if they would be willing to replace their broken link with yours. This is a great way to build quality backlinks, and it’s often easy to do.

Another great strategy is to find related pages and create links to them. This can be done by searching for relevant keywords in your industry. Once you have a list of results, look at the pages that are ranking for those keywords. Notice what kind of content they have, and then create something of your own that is better or more informative. This will attract the attention of people who are already looking for this kind of information, and it will also help your own page to rank.

Lastly, you can use social media to find other website owners who are willing to link to your content. This can be done through forums and social networks like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. There are also services like HARO that can connect you with journalists who need expert sources.

Whatever link-building method you choose, it should always feel natural and follow the guidelines set out by Google. Avoid “black hat” tactics, which are ways to get links that violate the guidelines. These include buying links, selling links, acquiring links from low-quality sites, and sharing links with competitors.